(303) 948-8435

Child and Family Investigator

Child and Family Investigator

A Child and Family Investigator may be appointed by the court to give a recommendation based from interviews of the children, family, and other pertinent parties within the case. The role of Child and Family Investigator is limited. A Child and Family Investigator is appointed to write a report and give a recommendation on a specific issue.  Issues that a Child and Family Investigator will review can vary, but the issues primarily focus on a child’s preference in regards to what parent they might prefer to live with, and/or the parenting capabilities of an individual(s).

When there are mental health issues or other serious parenting allegations or issues at hand, a more extensive investigation and report than that of a Child and Family Investigator may be requested and ordered by the Court. A Parental Responsibilities Evaluator performs some of the basic tasks of a Child and Family Investigator but also uses formal psychological assessments to evaluate the parties’ willingness, capabilities, and practices of parenting to the ‘best interest of the child’.

We have extensive experience in working with court-appointed Child and Family Investigators and Parental Responsibilities Evaluators. Two of the attorneys in our office are trained as Child and Family Investigators themselves, and are well-accustomed to this side of the legal process.